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Residency 2018


Updated: Nov 16, 2021

People of The Land: Creative Residency 2018

An immersive two-week programme of knowledge-exchange, skill-sharing, and bonding for Bornean creatives. Partnership with HAUS Kch, a creative community hub and Catama Borneo.

Over 40 visual artists, performers, craft makers, educators and researchers participated in the residency programme from 4th – 14th October 2018.

Community Outreach Programme: Kampung Sadir

6 - 8 October 2018

Collaborators travelled to the Bidayuh kampung of Kampung Sadir, Padawan for three days of skill-sharing and knowledge exchange with kampung artisans (titled ‘Balik Kampung’), fulfilling BBs mission in upholding traditional knowledge.

Kampung artisans shared their knowledge on mat-weaving, basket-weaving, and parang making among other things, and BB collaborators responded with skill-sharing workshops (printmaking and drawing) targeted towards kampung youths and children.

Saloma Villagestay hosted the collaborators, with its owner, Saloma Lisa, playing an integral role in helping to arrange activities in the kampung.

Residency Programme @ HAUS Kch

8-14 October 2018

The rest of the residency period was hosted by HAUS KCH, which provided accommodation and space for internal artist sharing and creative sessions, as well as public activities through HAUS KCH’s GlassHAUS weekend events which included anthropological talks, skill-sharing workshops, mini forums, Tamu market, an art exhibition put together residency collaborators, and performances.

BBCR was funded by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth & Sports Sarawak, the Sarawak Arts Council, Sarawak Convention Bureau, and individual donors.

GlassHAUS Weekends 13 - 14 October Public showcase: Exhibition, workshops, talks, sharing sessions, performances

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